Akhedrecist Lazaro Bruzon Batista

Born:02/05/1982 (Age 37) Las Tunas, Cuba
Fide Title:Grandmaster
Fide ID: 3503739
Federation: Cuba
Maximum Elo: 2717 (October 2012)
Elo: 2640 (January 2020)
Classification: 128 (January 2020)
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Five-time Cuban champion Lázaro Bruzón Batista won the GM title in 1999, won the Junior World Championship in 2000 and then the Young Masters of Lausanne tournament in 2001, ahead of a cast that included Levon Aronian and Ruslan Ponomariov. He made a name for the adults in 2004, winning the Wijk Aan Zee B tournament, qualifying for tournament A the following year, and also achieved an impressive 8/11 at the 2004 Olympics, where the Cuban team had an outstanding performance reaching 7th place. Bruzón climbed to 2677 elo and 26th in the world in the FIDE list of October 2005, clearly topping the national ranking of Cuba, but in the following years had to cede the privilege to Leiniernier Domínguez, even going so far as to see its rating briefly below 2600.

Photo: Anastasia Karlovich

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