Scythe: Encounters

Scythe: Encounters es una expansión del juego de mesa Scythe, diseñada por Jamey Stegmaier y publicada por Stonemaier Games. Este juego ha sido aclamado por la crítica y ha ganado múltiples premios por su innovador sistema de juego y su impresionante diseño de tablero y componentes. Ahora, con la expansión Scythe: Encounters, los jugadores pueden sumergirse aún más en el mundo de Scythe y experimentar nuevas formas de jugar y estrategias para dominar la partida.

Scythe: Encounters incluye una variedad de nuevas cartas de encuentros que se pueden agregar al mazo de cartas de encuentros original del juego base. Estas cartas introducen nuevos personajes, eventos y decisiones que los jugadores deben tomar durante la partida. Además, la expansión incluye dos módulos adicionales que pueden ser agregados al juego base, cada uno con sus propias reglas y componentes.

El primer módulo es el "Modo de campaña", que permite a los jugadores jugar una serie de partidas consecutivas en las que las decisiones tomadas en una partida afectan las siguientes. El segundo módulo es "El comerciante", que introduce un nuevo personaje que los jugadores pueden contratar para obtener ventajas y recursos adicionales.

Si eres fanático de los juegos de mesa de estrategia, no puedes perderte esta expansión.

Mastering Scythe Encounters: Everything You Need to Know

Scythe: Encounters is an expansion for the popular board game Scythe, which adds new content and mechanics to the game. In this article, we will explore the different aspects of this expansion and provide tips and strategies for mastering Scythe Encounters.

New Factions

One of the most exciting additions to Scythe: Encounters is the introduction of two new factions: Clan Albion and Togawa Shogunate. These factions each have unique abilities and playstyles that can significantly alter the game's dynamics. For example, Clan Albion has a strong focus on mechs and can use their special ability to move their mechs through rivers. Meanwhile, Togawa Shogunate can use their ability to deploy their workers on territories that are already occupied by other players.

New Encounters

Scythe: Encounters also introduces new encounter cards, which provide players with additional opportunities to gain resources and make choices that can impact the game's outcome. Some of these encounters may require players to make difficult decisions, and knowing when to take risks and when to play it safe can be crucial to success.

New Resolutions

The expansion also includes new resolution tiles, which provide alternative endgame conditions. These resolutions can change the game's focus and make it necessary to adjust your strategy accordingly. For example, the "Warfare" resolution favors players who have the most power, while the "Innovation" resolution rewards players who have developed the most technologies.

New Objectives

Scythe: Encounters adds new objective cards that can be used in place of or in addition to the base game's objectives. These cards often require players to make specific choices or achieve certain conditions, adding another layer of complexity to the game. For example, one objective card may require a player to control a specific number of territories with a certain type of resource.

New Tokens and Modules

The expansion also includes new tokens and modules that can be added to the game to further enhance the gameplay experience. These include new encounter tokens that can be used to track which encounters have been completed, as well as new modules that can add new mechanics like airships and air bases.


Scythe: Encounters is a fantastic expansion that adds a wealth of new content and mechanics to the base game. By mastering the new factions, encounters, resolutions, objectives, and modules, players can take their Scythe experience to the next level. Whether you are a seasoned Scythe player or just starting, Scythe: Encounters is definitely worth checking out.

Discover the Number of Encounters in Scythe: A Comprehensive Guide

Scythe: Encounters is an expansion set for the popular board game, Scythe. This expansion introduces new encounter cards that provide players with unique choices and challenges throughout the game. But just how many encounter cards are there in Scythe: Encounters? In this comprehensive guide, we'll explore the number of encounters in Scythe: Encounters and what you can expect from this exciting expansion.

The Number of Encounters

Scythe: Encounters includes a total of 32 encounter cards. These cards come in two different types: normal encounters and legendary encounters. Normal encounters are the most common type of encounter card, with a total of 28 normal encounters included in the expansion. These cards offer players a variety of choices and challenges that can affect their strategy and gameplay.

The remaining four cards are legendary encounters, which are rarer and more powerful than normal encounters. These cards offer players unique opportunities to gain resources and points, but they also come with greater risk and challenge.

Using Encounters in Scythe

Encounter cards in Scythe: Encounters are used in the same way as encounter cards in the base game. At the start of each turn, players draw an encounter card and choose whether to resolve it or discard it. Resolving an encounter card can offer players a variety of benefits, such as gaining resources or units, or even triggering special events.

Encounter cards can also be used to complete objectives, which are new challenges introduced in Scythe: Encounters. These objectives offer players new ways to score points and can greatly impact the outcome of the game.


Scythe: Encounters is an exciting expansion set that adds new depth and complexity to the base game. With a total of 32 encounter cards, players can expect to encounter a variety of challenges and opportunities throughout the game. Whether you're a seasoned Scythe player or new to the game, Scythe: Encounters is a must-have addition to your gaming collection.

Discover the Ultimate Scythe Experience: Playing with 6 Players

Scythe: Encounters is a board game expansion that takes the Scythe experience to a whole new level. One of the most exciting features of this expansion is the ability to play with up to six players.

Playing Scythe with six players is an incredible experience that adds a new level of depth and strategy to the game. With six players, the board becomes more crowded, and every decision becomes more critical. You'll need to be even more strategic and thoughtful with your moves to come out on top.

One of the keys to success when playing with six players is to stay flexible. With so many players on the board, things can change quickly. You may need to adjust your strategy on the fly to adapt to the changing situation. Being able to pivot and adjust your plan is essential to winning when playing with six players.

Another important aspect of playing with six players is communication. With so many players, it's essential to keep an open line of communication with your teammates. You'll need to work together to achieve your goals and overcome obstacles. Effective communication can make all the difference in a game with six players.

One of the best things about playing Scythe with six players is that it's fun. With so many players on the board, there's always something exciting happening. The game becomes a social event, and you'll have a blast playing with your friends and family.

In conclusion, playing Scythe with six players is an incredible experience that takes the game to a whole new level. With so many players on the board, you'll need to be strategic, flexible, and communicative to come out on top. And most importantly, you'll have a blast playing with your friends and family.

Discover the Truth: Is Scythe Board Game Difficult? Expert Analysis and Tips

Scythe: Encounters is an expansion to the popular board game Scythe. Many players wonder if this expansion makes the game more difficult. In this article, we will provide an expert analysis and tips to help you discover the truth about whether Scythe is a difficult game to play.

Expert Analysis

First, it is important to note that Scythe is considered a medium-to-heavy strategy game. This means that it may take a few plays to fully understand the rules and mechanics. However, once you have a grasp on the gameplay, it becomes easier to strategize and make decisions.

With the addition of Scythe: Encounters, there are new cards, factions, and modules that add complexity to the game. However, the expansion also includes new ways to score points and offers more variety in gameplay. Overall, the addition of the expansion does not necessarily make the game more difficult, but it does require players to adapt to new strategies and mechanics.

Tips for Playing Scythe

Here are some tips to help you navigate Scythe and the Scythe: Encounters expansion:

  • Plan ahead: Scythe is a game that rewards long-term planning. Think about your goals and how you can achieve them.
  • Pay attention to resources: Resources are crucial in Scythe. Make sure you are using them efficiently and acquiring them wisely.
  • Understand faction abilities: Each faction in Scythe has unique abilities. Make sure you understand how to use them effectively.
  • Take advantage of encounters: The Encounters expansion adds encounter cards, which offer unique opportunities to score points or gain resources. Make sure you are taking advantage of these encounters when they arise.


In conclusion, while Scythe may be considered a medium-to-heavy strategy game, it is not necessarily difficult to play. With practice and understanding of the rules and mechanics, players can become adept at strategizing and making decisions. The Scythe: Encounters expansion adds complexity to the game, but also offers new opportunities for variety and gameplay. By following the tips provided, players can successfully navigate the game and enjoy the world of Scythe.

En definitiva, Scythe: Encounters es un complemento perfecto para aquellos jugadores que ya son fanáticos de Scythe y desean seguir expandiendo sus partidas con nuevas opciones y desafíos. Con sus nuevas cartas de encuentro y sus dos facciones adicionales, este juego de mesa sigue demostrando por qué es uno de los más populares y aclamados por la crítica. Además, su diseño y producción de alta calidad hacen que sea un placer para los sentidos sentarse a jugar una partida. Si aún no has probado Scythe, te recomendamos que lo hagas y que, después, te sumerjas en las opciones que te ofrece este fantástico complemento.
Scythe: Encounters es una expansión emocionante para el aclamado juego de mesa Scythe. Con nuevos personajes, eventos y encuentros, los jugadores tendrán que ajustar sus estrategias para enfrentar estas nuevas situaciones. Además, las miniaturas de los nuevos personajes son impresionantes y agregan un gran valor estético al juego. En general, Scythe: Encounters es una adición imprescindible para cualquier fanático del juego original y ofrece una experiencia aún más gratificante para los jugadores.

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