Scid vs PC Tutorial - Chess Database
We continue with the second part of the scid program tutorial
We'll need a database, to analyze the games the wider we'll use the KingBase, a free database
It has some limitations such as absence of comments, absence of pre-1990 games, etc. But it is a very up-to-date database, with more than 2 million games We can download in pgn format (read only) Or we can use the scid format ( modifiable database) I recommend the second
The file comes compressed You have to unzip it before using It One of the first options, it is the View of Open Tree that shows the statistics of each play In another video I will explain how to use this option
Ahora usaremos la función "Busqueda de Material/Patrón" Con esta función podemos filtrar partidas, por patrones de piezas Por ejemplo buscaremos partidas con los peones negros en f7 y g7 El caballo blanco en g5 el rey negro en h7
And finally the white lady in d1 We put search And the program will search all the games, with the pieces in those positions This is very useful, because we can look for structures of pawns OR you can also look for typical attack patterns
Chess Database
En todas las partidas filtradas se repite este patrón Si sale esta ventana, ponemos "No guardar" En esta partida vemos el sacrificio típico "Alfil x h7" Es importante repasar muchas partidas con estos patrones para comprender, sus ventajas y desventajas Hay muchos otros sacrificios y jugadas típicas,
it's a matter of studying and practicing This is another similar position, with the same attack to h7 Now we'll use the above function, to look for endings
Hacemos click en "Limpiar" Y ahora nos dirigimos a "Finales típicos" Seleccionamos "Torre y 1 peón vs Torre" Hacemos click en buscar De esta manera, encontraremos muchos finales de torre y peón Lo bueno es que las partidas, son de grandes maestros GM
And we can perfect our end technique This is a very basic example It is not difficult to find the solution This is a typical Vancura position with the white king in the center of the board
White wins This example is more complicated You have to be careful with the movement of the king 1) Rf3 is tables White can not eat because the black king wins the opposition Always have to count the odd number boxes
If we go back a little bit we see that it is best to advance the white king And the white position is winning Finally I recommend you see the help section of the program And review about the hotkeys
HotKeys Como lo dije anteriormente Las HotKeys solo funcionan, cuando el mouse está sobre el tablero de juego O también cuando el mouse, está sobre el "Listado de partidas" Espero el video les haya gustado Nos vemos en la tercera parte