Board games


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Chess is a board game between two opponents in which each one has at the beginning 16 moving pieces that are placed on a board,1 divided into 64 squares or squares. In its competition version, it is considered a sport, although at present it clearly has a social, educational9 and therapeutic dimension.

It is played on a grid board of 8×8 squares (also called squares), 2 alternated in black and white, which constitute the 64 possible positions of the pieces for the development of the game. At the beginning of the game each player has sixteen pieces: a king, a queen, two bishops, two knights, two rooks and eight pawns. It is a strategy game in which the objective is to "overthrow" the opponent's king. This is done by threatening the square occupied by the king with any of the pieces of his own without the other player being able to protect his king by interposing a piece between his king and the piece that threatens him, move his king to a free square or capture the piece that is threatening him, which results in checkmate and the end of the game.

This game, as it is known today, emerged in Europe during the fifteenth century,13 as an evolution of the Persian game shatranj, which in turn arose from the oldest chaturanga, which was practiced in India in the sixth century. The tradition of organizing chess competitions began in the sixteenth century. The first official world chess championship was organized in 1886. Chess is considered by the International Olympic Committee as a sport, and international competitions are regulated by FIDE. Players compete individually in different tournaments, although there are also team competitions, one of the most important being the Chess Olympiads.

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